Drug Withdrawal in Chicopee, MA

When you attempt to get off a drug that you are addicted to, it can change a great deal in your brain. The effects as you experience them can be both psychological and physical. With some drugs like cocaine, heroin, and alcohol, addiction tends to come with very strong physical dependence -- there tend to be very painful and dangerous symptoms of withdrawal. With other drugs like methamphetamine, the effects tend to be more psychological than physical, but can still be cause for great concern. Whether you experience physical or psychological effects, you need help quitting. It's important to look for quality drug withdrawal in Chicopee at a Chicopee Alcohol Treatment Center.

What Do Withdrawal Symptoms Look Like?

Addiction occurs when constant exposure to drugs produces certain changes in the brain. Cravings are the trademark attribute of addiction. They come about as a result of certain permanent changes to a part of the brain responsible for both pleasure and habit learning. When drugs act on this brain region to produce pleasure, deep, emotional habit formation is an unintended consequence. In any attempt to quit drugs, the habit formed can come back with desire for drugs so powerful, no reasoned understanding of a need to quit can offer resistance. It takes a great deal of therapeutic intervention to manage these cravings.

When you quit, however, you're in no shape accept therapy. You need immediate care so that you don't cave to the cravings. Inpatient addiction treatment in Chicopee is the best way to manage cravings in the initial stages. In inpatient rehab, you check into a facility so that the option of giving in simply doesn't come up.

Cravings, of course, are a psychological withdrawal symptom -- they affect the way your mind works; physical withdrawal symptoms, on the other hand, directly affect the body. With alcohol and heroin, these symptoms can range from the simple (anxiety, irritability, and insomnia) to the complex and serious (seizures, life-threatening heart attacks, and hallucinations).

Withdrawal Symptoms Need Treatment

Many people who wish to quit their habit try to simply do it themselves. They quit cold turkey, hoping to be able to face down their withdrawal symptoms on their own, and start an all-new life. It's only a week or two, they reason, and they can be strong.

Unfortunately, quitting isn't as simple. With drugs that produce life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, there certainly is the danger of a heart attack or another terrible occurrence. Psychological withdrawal symptoms are not to be taken lightly, either, however. Cravings, panic, and insomnia can assail the mind with such force, they can make a person attempting sobriety to give it all up and return to drugs. One of the greatest dangers of such a move: the overdose.

A great many people who attempt to go through withdrawal without sufficient medical help fail in their attempt often return to drug use with an extra-large dose that results in an overdose.

When you have a well-designed evidence-based detox program supporting your attempt to withdraw from drugs, however, this simply doesn't happen.

How Detox Helps

Treatment is a part of every rehab program for drug withdrawal in Chicopee. It tends to run from 30 to 90 days, depending on the seriousness of the addiction to be treated. In medical detox, patients receive medications for every symptom that troubles them. Cravings, cardiac disturbances, panic or anything else can be brought under control with careful administration of medications.

It's important to understand that different kinds of detox are able to offer different levels of intervention and protection. When you accept inpatient rehab, you check into a facility for drug and alcohol withdrawal treatment around the clock. Inpatient rehabs tend to be better-equipped to monitor, anticipate and prevent complications. This approach tends to be the only method recommended for certain kinds of patients -- ones who have attempted rehab and relapsed in the past, ones who experience a lack of motivation, suffer from psychiatric disorders and so on.

Since complications to turn up in most cases, choosing inpatient detox is simply the safest path to take every time.

Know What to Look For

If you're looking for treatment for drug withdrawal in Chicopee, you should know that not every rehab out there offers quality treatment. There are many that offer poorly designed or unscientific detox. When you look for evidence-based care, however, you can't go wrong. Chicopee Alcohol Treatment Centers can help. (877) 804-1531.

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